When used in combination with TOKIKATA, it improves blood flow and soothes the muscles, thereby stabilizing the effect.


*Use Neo earth when you feel the effect is uneven due to hair texture, etc.

Please keep them separate so that they do not adhere to *TOKIKATA.

Stabilize the effect of the following TOKIKATA

There are two types to choose from: single and double.

Double ¥2,000 (tax included)

Single 1,500 yen (tax included)

There are two types to choose from: single and double.

Worn only during *TOKIKATA treatment

"Fitted for customers who felt the effect was weak due to their hair quality."

*Please try the double for about 30 minutes due to its strong effect.

(It is convenient to attach it to the cloth in advance, as it is easy to forget to remove it if it is attached to the customer's clothing.)

Inquiries about our products

Please feel free to contact Scissor Street Inc.
